As conservatives, we fundamentally support policies that are rooted in our conservative ideals. We will pursue a policy agenda consistent with the following principles:


1. Transition to a Clean Energy Future:

More and more, data shows that the vast majority of Ohioans want access to cleaner, more sustainable energy choices. We support policies that account for the benefits of clean energy and respond to these market demands, helping us increase responsible adoption of clean energy.

2. Support Free Markets:

We believe that freely functioning markets communicate the overall priorities and desires of our state and the country. The power of free markets will best facilitate a clean energy transition. We will support energy policies that generally limit the intervention of the government to allow for the free trade of ideas, goods, and services.


3.Protect Property Rights:

We believe in the rights of individuals and firms to freely use their property and assets as they desire. Property rights are key to a free and independent society. Accordingly, we support policies that protect and allow the free use of these rights. 

4. Foster Energy Security:

We believe that access to affordable, reliable, resilient, energy systems are vital to maintaining a strong economy and protecting society. Therefore, we support policies that recognize the value of energy security and diversification.